5 Ways to Thank Everyone On Your Wedding Day If you have been to a wedding, you have seen the bride and groom running around trying to greet everyone. But could there be other ways to thank everyone that would be a little less crazy? Read More BlogsCandice MockApril 27, 2016five ways, thank your guests, wedding favors, bride and groom, wedding blog, scranton, pa, pa weddings, central pa weddings, the570, photography by seneca, jpgphotographyComment
5 Reasons You should have a Food Truck at your wedding! Blogs, Styled ShootsCandice MockNovember 12, 2015the570, wyoming valley, scranton, food truck, affordable wedding, food, restaurants, wilkes barre, caterer, pop up restaurant, shoplocal, supportlocalfarms, shop small, peculiar, peculiar culinary Comment